In compliance with what is foreseen by the European Privacy Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation) n. 679/2016, we intend to give you some information on how your personal data is collected and used by our Association. The processing of your personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency as well as the protection of the confidentiality of your rights. We inform you that the provision of data provided in the registration form is of an optional nature, however, the refusal to provide those marked with an asterisk leads to the impossibility to register on the website, to use the services offered and to improve the administrative management and invoicing. The personal data you provide is collected and managed with the aid of electronic, or in any case, automated instruments, for the following purposes::

  • The creation of an account for the SYFORM S.R.L. e-commerce and technical management services;
  • For archive and back-up purposes;
  • eThe management of obligatory, contractual, accounting and tax relations between you and SYFORM S.R.L., as well as the improvement of transport operations regarding purchased goods or the management of returned goods;
  • Telematic and/or telephonic communications relating to the contractual relation between you and SYFORM S.R.L.;
  • After obtaining your specific consent, also in accordance with Art. 130 of Italian Legislative Decree n.196/03, to provide information, news and updates on SYFORM S.R.L. products and services, such as, by way of an example, the sending of new catalogues, discount coupons, special, and other kinds of offers.

In any case, your data will not be disclosed or sold to third parties. The processing of the data for the previously indicated purposes has, as its legal basis, Art. 6 of Reg. 679/16, or rather it constitutes a necessary measure of a contract of which you are a party. Your data will be made known to specifically designated individuals., appointed by SYFORM S.R.L. to process personal data, or rather forwarding agents in charge of carrying out the transport of the purchased goods, to its technological partners solely for technical purposes or to Insurance and/or professional Firms. Your personal data will be stored until you formally request SYFORM S.R.L. to eliminate your account and its relative data, without prejudice to retention obligations with which SYFORM S.R.L. has to comply, in accordance with the Laws and Regulations on this subject.

The Data Controller is SYFORM S.R.L. - Via Vilfredo Pareto, 23 - 31030 Dosson di Casier (TV), Vat N. 03404800264, in the person of its legal representative, whom you can contact in order to assert your rights foreseen by Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 78 of Reg. 679/16. The exercising of such rights is subject to the limits, rules and procedures foreseen by the abovementioned Regulation and that the Interested Party must be both familiar with and implement. Moreover, as was indicated in Art. 12, paragraph 3, the Data Controller will provide the Interested Party with the information relating to the action taken without undue delay and, in any case, no later than one month from the receipt of the request itself. Such period may be extended by two months, if necessary, taking into consideration the complexity and number of requests received. The Data Controller informs the Interested Party of such extension, and giving reasons for the delay, no later than one month from the receipt of the request.

I hereby declare to have read the Privacy Policy and give my consent to the processing of my personal data Please keep me informed as regards new catalogues, discounts, special offers and promotions for the purposes described in point 5) of the Privacy Policy, also in accordance with Art. 130 of Italian Legislative Decree n.196/03 (this choice is optional)

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